
What Anxiety Treatments Are There?


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Micah Abraham, BSc

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What Anxiety Treatments Are There?

Anxiety disorders are life-altering issues. Anxiety is a condition that creates real, measurable changes to your brain, and alters the way you think, feel, and behave.




  • 心理治疗
  • 药物治疗
  • Complementary Treatment (Natural/Alternative Treatment)
  • 生活方式改变



But there are very effective treatments - everyone, no matter how severe the anxiety is, can fight it. All you need is commitment, an open mind, and the willingness to keep trying.


Below, you’ll find many of the available options for your anxiety disorder. But it should be noted that the list is not an endorsement. Anxiety is not that simple. What works for one person may not work for another. There are different types of anxiety, different severities of anxiety, different types of personalities, and more. And as always, consult your doctor regarding the selection of a suitable treatment combination for your anxiety disorder after you’ve been diagnosed with one.


Note: Choosing From the Researched and the Unresearched


This is a mistake.




It can be cured. You just have to find the right solution.




Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Anxiety

CBT is the king of psychological treatments. It utilizes behavioral research and cognitive functioning to challenge assumptions and thoughts and alter behaviors in a way that often provides results.


  • 研究-CBT已被彻底研究,并被发现是非常有效的。很少有其他治疗方法能像CBT那样得到积极的研究。亚博彩票网址
  • 目标导向-认知行为疗法是以目标为导向的,这意味着你希望达到某种类型的目标。这不同于某些形式的治疗,其中包括更多地谈论你的过去和自我探索。
  • 可操作——CBT也可操作。它给你的技术,你可以带回家-这是不可能总是与其他疗法。
  • 关注当下——认知行为疗法几乎完全关注当下。虽然过去仍然被认为是重要的,目标是看看你现在能做些什么来改善你的焦虑。
  • 简而言之,除非你愿意,否则你不需要接受认知行为治疗很长时间。大多数CBT是在6到20个疗程内完成的,尽管一些治疗师仍然建议偶尔开会讨论挫折。




Another form of psychotherapy is known as “psychodynamic” therapy or “psychoanalysis.” From a psychodynamic perspective, this form of therapy is a way of analyzing anxiety by looking at the history of the individual.

While CBT often focuses on the present (although understanding the past does play a role), psychoanalysis focuses almost exclusively on the past, believing that most disorders are the result of problems with early childhood, and the relationships a person has with their mother/father.



Counseling for Anxiety

Counseling and therapy are sometimes used interchangeably. There are counselors that use CBT, counselors that use psychodynamic therapy, and counselors that use a variety of the other treatment options we’ll discuss below. In most states, there is no difference between a counselor and a therapist, and no difference between counseling and therapy.


This type of anxiety treatment has many advantages:

  • 你有一个人会不加判断地倾听你的问题。
  • 你有人可以为你提供指导和反馈。
  • You have someone who will keep you accountable for the promises you make to yourself.


Systemic Therapy for Anxiety

Systemic therapy is less well known but has been growing in popularity over the last several decades. Unlike other forms of therapy that look at the individual on a personal level, systemic therapy believes that anxiety disorders are the result of a system of relationships that a person has with others.


Anxiety has many different causes, so it’s likely that Systemic therapy works better for some than others, and research into this method of therapy is ongoing, but there is reason to believe that it may be effective - especially if that anxiety is affecting you socially or caused by social cues.




Somatic Experiencing


This type of therapy method seeks to relieve some of the sensations of physical tension that are frozen in the body for years after trauma. This approach tries to reduce PTSD by helping patients become more aware of their bodies and the sensations that are perceived through them.



像大多数替代疗法一样,研究亚博彩票网址has not been kind to hypnotherapy. 它通常认为它不过是一种安慰剂。但有趣的是,许多人对这种技术信誓旦旦,这被认为有点难以研究。如果你打算考虑催眠疗法,那么在你的医生/治疗师的全力支持下谨慎地进行。



  • 家庭和婚姻治疗
  • Gestalt Therapy
  • Play Therapy (for children)
  • Goal Oriented Therapy
  • 辩证行为疗法(CBT形式)



  • 人性化治疗
  • Existential Therapy
  • Dance Therapy
  • Pastoral Counseling
  • Art Therapy
  • 生物反馈


Decide which ones you’re comfortable trying and never be discouraged if they don’t work as you expected. Not every type of therapy works for everyone, and sometimes all you need is a change.




Second, they don’t teach coping strategies, and they can actually make it harder to cope in the future as you forget your original coping ability and depend too much on the medications.




  • Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
  • 5-羟色胺-去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂(SNRIs)
  • 三环类抗抑郁药
  • 单胺氧化酶抑制剂(MAOIs)
  • 非典型抗抑郁药
  • 苯二氮卓类
  • Beta Blockers
  • 其他(不属于上述类别的药物)

关于这些焦虑疗法的更多信息,你可以亚博彩票网址review our anxiety drugs pagefor some background.

Anxiety medication can be useful. If your anxiety is severe, they can provide some relief that helps your life feel at least a little more back to normal. But they are not perfect:

  • 它们并不能治愈你的焦虑(当你停止服药时,你的焦虑可能又回来了)。
  • 它们有副作用,可以改变你的感觉。
  • They may lead to some psychological dependency, as you forget how to cope without the drugs.



Complementary Anxiety Treatment Techniques

Complementary treatments are anxiety treatments that can be used in addition to therapy, or whatever other type of treatment option you decide to use. In a way, they’re designed to simply help you manage your personal anxiety. You can do these without therapy if you like, and in some cases, they may help you find relief. Or you can partner them with some other anxiety reduction option.


  • Relaxation Techniques/Strategies焦虑很难让人放松。但是有几种策略可以让你的身心平静下来,至少是稍微平静一点。其中的一些例子包括深呼吸、视觉化、渐进式肌肉放松(对肌肉张力很好)、冥想和其他许多。这些方法本身并不能治愈焦虑,而且很难掌握,但一旦你习惯了它们,它们可以减轻你的焦虑,让你在焦虑发作时更容易平静下来。
  • 锻炼专家们总是从锻炼对健康有益的角度来谈论锻炼。但研究清楚地表明,经常参加体育锻炼不仅能促进你的身体健康,还能改善你的心理健康。事实上,许多研究都将不活动与更高程度的焦虑联系起来。运动可以燃烧应激激素,增加内啡肽的分泌,放松肌肉和焦虑症状,等等。这是你能为你的压力做的最有益的事情之一。
  • Dietary Changes同样,有证据表明,现代饮食中的某些成分,如精制糖,可能会导致你的焦虑症状。从你的饮食中去除油炸食品、精制糖和过量的咖啡因都有助于对抗焦虑。




Before we begin this section, it is important to note that alternative medicine is, in many cases, not considered medicine. Far too many treatments out there are ineffective and in some cases, harmful.

安慰剂效应是外包cious believes something will work, it actually works. Anxiety treatments are especially prone to placebo because if you subconsciously believe your anxiety will go away, your brain then receives more confidence that tells it that your anxiety is going away.


顺势疗法就是一个例子。我们在这个网站上写了一篇关于这种疗法的评论,并且我们鼓励您阅读. 这几乎是字面意思,只是自来水。

But if you search for “Homeopathic Anxiety Treatment” on Amazon, you will find hundreds of products with thousands of positive reviews. It’s easy to see why someone would believe homeopathic medicine works, especially when there are so many people who swear it worked for them.

There are even “homeopathic anxiety remedies for dogs” on Amazon that have thousands of positive reviews.


But at the same time, “natural cures” are, very often, just placebo. They are marketed as being “side-effect free” specifically because they do not have any effect on your body.


The following are the types of alternative anxiety treatments that you may consider:

  • 营养补充剂有几种维生素和营养补充剂,可能是有价值的那些处理焦虑。一些研究表明,维生素/矿物质失衡,如镁缺乏,可能会导致甚至导致焦虑症状,因此有证据表明,改善你的营养摄入可能是有价值的。联系你的医生与他们谈论可能有用的补充剂。
  • Herbal Supplements不要同时服用草药补充剂和抗焦虑药物,在尝试草药治疗之前一定要和你的医生谈谈。但是卡瓦、缬草、西番莲——这些都是与治疗焦虑症有关的草药,其中一些可能会模仿现代药物的效果。
  • 行为策略In addition to medications, there are some alternative treatments that are non-medication based. For example, acupuncture, prayer, and aromatherapy are all considered alternative treatments, because there is either little evidence that they work (acupuncture) or limited research altogether (prayer).

For more information, consider the following links:

  • Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
  • Vitamin D
  • 缬草
  • 山姆e
  • 红景天
  • Passion Flower
  • 茶胺酸
  • Acupuncture
  • 卡瓦

Which Anxiety Treatment is Best?


上面的指导来帮助你做一个有限公司med decision, but there is still a lot of personal research to do before you will be able to determine which ones you want to commit to, and why.

Research comparing different treatments effectively doesn’t come around that often. A study of 101 patients with generalized anxiety disorder were broken into five groups, and each group was treated with over 10 weeks with one of the following treatment options:

  • Test Group 1) Diazepam
  • 试验组2)安慰剂(对照组)
  • 试验组3)认知行为疗法(CBT)
  • 试验组4)地西泮+CBT
  • 试验组5)安慰剂+CBT

The findings can be seen in the chart below:






Ask Doctor a Question


Where can I go to learn more about Jacobson’s relaxation technique and other similar methods?



You can ask your doctor for a referral to a psychologist or other mental health professional who uses relaxation techniques to help patients. Not all psychologists or other mental health professionals are knowledgeable about these techniques, though. Therapists often add their own “twist” to the technqiues. Training varies by the type of technique that they use. Some people also buy CDs and DVDs on progressive muscle relaxation and allow the audio to guide them through the process.

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