Living With Anxiety
The first thing to understand is that anxiety itself is self-sustaining. It causes problems with your mind and body that make it more likely to experience further anxiety. For example, anxiety leads to more negative thinking, which then precipitates Anxiety can have physical manifestations, such as hyperventilation, sweating, nausea, etc., which can be very troubling. Anxiety also creates hypersensitivity, which is a mental response that makes people more prone to noticing those physical symptoms and letting it affect them.
If anxiety were just nervousness and sweating, anxiety disorders may not be considered as serious. But anxiety is so much more than that, and the longer you live with anxiety the more prevalent these symptoms can get.
Fearing Anxiety
With that in mind, it's time to go over some tips on how to help a friend with anxiety. Note that every person is different and has different needs. There are some people who want to talk about their anxieties, and there are others who may have never mentioned it. So even with these do's and don'ts, it's hard to know exactly what you should do. However, this can be a helpful guide.
Let's begin:
- 做让这个人知道,他们可以公开地和你谈论,而不必害怕审判。他们知道你在那里倾听他们的意见是非常重要的,你不会根据他们说的任何话来评判他们,也不会改变你对他们的想法/感觉方式——即使他们一再地说同样的恐惧(因为对许多人来说,恐惧和想法几乎每次都是完全相同的)。
- 不要感到沮丧。那些焦虑的人真的知道他们的恐惧不应该打扰他们,而是尽管他们试图阻止他们,但期待他们使用逻辑来控制他们的焦虑是极难的,如果不是不可能的话。
- 做尽可能多地和他们在一起。你在他们身边比你意识到的要大。事实上,他们也可能也没有意识到。但是,与他人相处的时间让人们更难考虑他们的焦虑,这就产生了不同。
- 不要经常引起焦虑。这是一个棘手的问题——当你想在那里谈论它时,有一些焦虑,比如恐慌性的发作,可以通过思考而触发。换句话说,如果你问某人“你的恐慌发作怎么样?”你可能会意外地触发攻击。让他们跟你一起提出来。yabo国际娱乐
- 做tell them to call you anytime, anywhere. Talking on the phone and knowing someone is there to pick up can actually be incredibly comforting to someone that is trying to control their anxiety. Anxiety can make people feel lost and alone. Knowing that someone is a phone call away reduces that feeling.
- 不要let anxiety affect you as well. Make sure that you are working on your own stress and anxiety, because the way you feel can have an effect on the way others feel, especially as you spend more and more time again. If you're dealing with anxiety yourself, the other person is going to deal with more anxiety as well.
- 做be forgiving. Anxiety can make people irritable. It's not in the control of the person with anxiety. Ideally, try your best to be forgiving. Let them know that you understand, and that even if it's not fair you're not going to quit the friendship because of it.
- 不要expect massive, immediate turnarounds. Unfortunately, controlling anxiety does take time. Those that try to cure it too fast often find they have setbacks that are sometimes worse than the initial anxiety. It's very important that you understand that curing anxiety can take a lot of time, and even on the way there, there are going to be issues that come up and fears that they're going to have. It's natural.
- 做exciting activities. Try to be outdoors. Find things to do that don't involve alcohol (since alcohol can cause setbacks in anxiety treatments). Stay active. Exercise itself is a remedy for anxiety, and creating new memories can help people cope with some of the stresses of life. So try your best to get out and do things together.
- 不要guilt trip. It can be hard, but you have to remember that those with anxiety often struggle to get out of their own head. They want to relate to you, talk to you, and be friendly, but they have an incredibly hard time dealing with the thoughts they can't control. They take over their mind and their memories. If you push them too hard to get more attention or get them out of their bubble, they may withdraw further.
- 做当他们进步时,要为他们骄傲。他们会看到你脸上的。记住,焦虑改变了思维模式,会让人们思考和感觉更消极,不幸的是,这意味着,他们中的许多人会消极地解释你的面部表情,假设你对他们感到恼火或为之感到羞耻。因此,确保突出你的积极情绪和你的骄傲——当你看到恢复时,实际上是快乐的,同时避免在挫折中感到沮丧——是非常有价值的。
- 不要放弃希望。焦虑是一种可治疗的病情。你生命中的人并不是总是觉得或相信它是可治疗的,并且即使你认为它可能会继续前进,但现实是焦虑也许是今天最具可治疗的条件之一。
- 做做你自己。你不需要改变你是谁,焦虑的人也不想你改变。你是因为一个原因而接近的。做你自己。事实上,你正在寻找你能做什么来帮助这个焦虑的人,这证明你对他们的生活有很好的影响。积极,快乐,成为你的朋友或家人所爱的人。