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The Effects of Anxiety on the Endocrine System

Victoria LeBlanc, MS, LCPC
The Effects of Anxiety on the Endocrine System

大多数人认为焦虑仅仅是一种心理健康障碍 - 他们想要摆脱以便过上更舒适的生活。虽然焦虑最肯定会影响你的日常生活,但焦虑的症状实际上是由您的身体所需的东西引起的。

焦虑只是您的同情神经系统的激活,更为被称为您的战斗或飞行反应 - 一个应该让您免受伤害的系统。战斗或飞行系统依赖于内分泌系统 - 您的身体中的腺体系统释放引发焦虑所有效果的激素。

Your Fight or Flight Response

Anxiety is essentially a fight or flight response that is malfunctioning. It's when you experience this reaction to danger chronically, even when no danger is present, that it becomes a problem. The system itself is incredibly important, but the malfunction is what causes people so much distress.

没有t every symptom of anxiety is caused by the endocrine system, but many of them are. Stress and anxiety affect nearly every gland in your body. Your endocrine system plays a crucial role in this, releasing many of the hormones that create your anxiety symptoms.

It Starts With Your Adrenal Gland

When you have anxiety, your brain sends messengers to your adrenal gland to release epinephrine (adrenaline) into your body. That adrenaline starts preparing your body so that it can react to danger by:


Your adrenal gland also releases norepinephrine, also known as noradrenaline which produces much of the same reactions in your body.

Secondary Effects of Anxiety on the Endocrine System

While adrenaline and noradrenaline are considered the main culprits for anxiety, nearly every organ releases hormones as a result of stress. After the initial epinephrine release, the body goes into what's known as the "Resistance Phase."


Though cortisol has all of these negative features, it should be noted that they do play a purpose in the fight or flight response. If you were faced with danger, all of these actions would help ensure you stay safe. But because there is no danger and because cortisol release is chronic, that is why it can be so damaging to your health and the body.


Interestingly, it is during the resistance phase that the body is also trying to help itself return back to its normal levels (homeostasis). But for those with chronic stress, homeostasis tends to not occur.

Finally: The Exhaustion Phase




The Endocrine System and Control

This entire system is not something you can or want to specifically control. Of course, you want relief from your anxiety - and you can get that since anxiety is incredibly treatable - but what you do not want to do is stop this system from occurring in general, because it's an extremely important system for keeping you safe from harm.

What you want to do is make it easier for you to cope with stress and anxiety so that you don't activate this system as often, or as easily. You can do that by simply learning proper coping tools and committing to treatments that improve your ability to deal with anxious thoughts and feelings.

Article Resources
  1. Tsigos, Constantine, and George P. Chrousos.Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neuroendocrine factors and stress。Journal of psychosomatic research 53.4 (2002): 865-871.
  2. Cameron,Oliver G.等人。Endocrine and physiological changes during spontaneous panic attacks。Psychoneuroendocrinology 12.5 (1987): 321-331.
  3. Nesse, Randolph M., et al.Endocrine and cardiovascular responses during phobic anxiety。Psychosomatic Medicine 47.4 (1985): 320-332.
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