Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Strategies
When we talk about unhealthy strategies, we're not just talking about these strategies being physically unhealthy. For example, we know that alcohol abuse is extremely bad for your body, potentially even deadly, but that's not what makes it "unhealthy" when it comes to coping. What makes it unhealthy is that in addition to being physically unhealthy, it's also psychologically unhealthy.
Which brings us to self-harm. Self-harm is an unhealthy coping strategy. By self-harm, we're talking about things like cutting (mutilation involving a razor to the skin), burning the skin on purpose, scratching to create blood or pain, or otherwise hurting the body.
Some people turn to self-mutilation as a way to cope with anxiety. Scientists are not entirely clear why this behavior occurs, but it likely has to do with the following:
- Pain Masking Pain身体上的疼痛往往优先于精神上的疼痛,因此当一个人感到压力、抑郁等时,制造身体上的疼痛似乎足以让他们暂时摆脱心理健康问题。
- Control许多自残的人觉得自己正在失去控制。在某种程度上,自我伤害是一种不健康的方式,通过控制自己对身体的影响来显示控制。有些人发现,当他们感到压力使他们无法控制自己时,这也会让他们留在现实中,从而让他们重新控制自己。
- Attention那些自残的人不一定是寻求关注的人,因为并非所有的自残都是被关注的欲望。自残可能是一种呼救,也可能是一种了解自己的方式,如果别人知道会引起更多的关注。
- 内啡肽The body releases pain killers to help people deal with the pain, known as endorphins. Endorphins are also involved in the experience of many "relaxed" feelings within the brain. Thus by hurting themselves, they are semi-unintentionally releasing chemicals in their brain that actually make them feel better.
Why Self-Harm is Dangerous
But these are not the only reasons that self-harm is dangerous. Self-harm is also dangerous because it doesn't actually do what it appears to provide, or there are very easy and effective alternatives:
- 内啡肽Perhaps the greatest reason that self-harm is a poor coping strategy is because there is a considerably easier way to release endorphins: go running. Jogging for 30 minutes creates a "high" of endorphins that is so strong, that it is actually more effective than most anxiety medications. Self-harm actually releases fewer endorphins and provides less relief than simply going for a run every day.
- Lost CopingIn a way, self-harm works like a drug. You hurt yourself, you experience pain, and you wait for your natural painkillers to take over. Like drugs, self-harm reduces your ability to cope with stress without harming yourself. Your ability to cope with anxiety with something other than self-harm starts to weaken. Eventually you "need" to hurt yourself more in order to get some relief, because your mind knows no other way of coping - even with lesser stressors.
- 引起焦虑也许最大的问题是,自残为什么是一个糟糕的焦虑应对策略,是因为它实际上导致了焦虑。焦虑是一种累积状态。任何在你生活中引起焦虑的事情都会使你的整体焦虑更严重。自我伤害会在你伤害时引起焦虑(对疼痛的预期),伤害后会引起焦虑(治愈),任何疤痕都会导致焦虑,而且会因为羞愧而导致焦虑。
How to Cope With Anxiety Instead of Self-Mutilation
If you self-harm or have even remotely considered it, you need to replace it with something else - something that can actually work, and something that will make your ability to cope with anxiety better.
- ExerciseOf course, exercise is priority number one, and there is no way around it - especially if you are also cutting or hurting yourself. Exercise releases the very same endorphins, but unlike self-harm, it doesn't cause any negative psychological damage and may actually improve things like self-confidence and self-worth. Exercise may not be easy at first, but over time you should find very powerful relief.
- Journal WritingCoping is helpful when you have activities that you can do when you feel stressed. Many people find that writing out your thoughts in a journal - anxious thoughts or not - provides relief. In a way, that relief comes because your mind becomes more solution focused, and doesn't feel it needs to remember the issues that stress you out knowing that they are all in one place.
- 保持忙碌——简单的动作尽可能保持忙碌的一个d using your brain can provide relief from both anxiety and self-harm. A forgotten part of coping is simply the ability to get a break from anxiety and move on from your life. When you're very busy, and your schedule is planned out all day (with healthy activities of course, preferably spending time with emotionally healthy people), your mind can't focus on your anxieties, which gives it a chance to recover behind the scenes.